The Super Fund Co. Blog

Viewing entries tagged with 'contribution'

4 Jun

End of Financial Year 2023/24

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Disclaimer:  This advice is general in nature and may not be construed as personal advice With the...

11 Apr

Get ready for June 30... now!!

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When it comes to getting the most (money) from your annual tax return, there is usually...

27 Feb

The what, why and how of contributing to super

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Despite frequent changes to its governing rules, superannuation remains, for most people, a tax-effective environment in which...

5 Feb

Explaining the upcoming $1.6m transfer balance cap

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Of all the major changes to superannuation coming this year, probably the most confusing is the...

30 Jan

Working with the upcoming new super rules

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As a large majority of working and retired Australians already know, in late 2016 a raft...

23 Jan

New super rules coming 1st July - get ready now!

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There are a number of new rules coming into effect from 1st July 2017 – some...

7 Apr

Top up your super before 30 June!

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How much have you contributed to your superannuation this year? You have until Thursday, 30 June to...

30 Apr

The Great Australian Dream

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The “Great Australian Dream” has always been to own your own home. It has been an...

8 Feb

How to turn $500 into $11,000

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Great article on the ABC website today explaining the Government’s Superannuation Co-Contribution scheme, which many eligible Australians...

2 Sep

What does the Government's super freeze mean?

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The Government recently announced that the super guarantee will stay frozen at 9.5% for a few...